Uses of Interface

Packages that use Topic
org.tm4j.tmapi.core An implementation of the draft TMAPI interfaces. 
org.tm4j.tolog DEPRECATED 
org.tm4j.topicmap Provides the core interfaces of the TM4J Topic Map Engine. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic Provides additional interfaces for "basic" indexing functionality. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text Provides interfaces for text indexing functionality and basic implementations using jakarta-lucene. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.source Provides an abstract representation sources of TopicMaps and an implementation for serialized TopicMaps 
org.tm4j.topicmap.unified Implements a TM4J back-end which merges topic maps from one or more other back-end implementations dynamically. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors Provides reusable and composable functions for retrieving information from a variety of topic map constructs. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers Testers are predicate functions that evaluate a function and return true or false. 

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.tmapi.core

Methods in org.tm4j.tmapi.core that return Topic
 Topic TMAPITopicImpl.getWrapped()
 Topic TMAPIMemberImpl.getWrappedPlayer()

Constructors in org.tm4j.tmapi.core with parameters of type Topic
TMAPITopicImpl(Topic obj, TMAPITopicMapImpl tm)
TMAPIMemberImpl(Member m, Topic p, TMAPITopicMapImpl tm)

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.tolog

Methods in org.tm4j.tolog that return Topic
 Topic PlayerRole.getPlayerTopic()
 Topic PlayerRole.getRoleTopic()

Methods in org.tm4j.tolog with parameters of type Topic
protected static java.lang.String QueryEvaluator.shortAddress(Topic t)
 void QueryEvaluator.ListTable.addValue(java.lang.String var, Topic value)
 void PlayerRole.setPlayerTopic(Topic playerTopic)
 void PlayerRole.setRoleTopic(Topic roleTopic)
protected  boolean InstanceOfExtension.getInstanceMatches(TopicTypesIndex tti, Topic cls, java.util.List params, java.util.List matches)
protected  void InstanceOfExtension.addClassMatch(Topic cls, java.util.List params, java.util.List matches)
protected  boolean InstanceOfExtension.isInstanceOf(Topic inst, Topic cls)

Constructors in org.tm4j.tolog with parameters of type Topic
PlayerRole(Topic player, Topic role)

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap that return Topic
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src)
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src, boolean deep)
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
          Copies the Topic src.
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 Topic Member.getRoleSpec()
          Returns the topic which defines the type of this Member.
 Topic[] MergedTopicSubjectClashException.getTopics(Topic[] ret)
          Retrieves the two topics involved in the failed merge operation.
 Topic Occurrence.getType()
          Gets the Topic definition the type of this occurrence.
 Topic Occurrence.getParent()
          Gets the topic which contains this occurrence.
 Topic BaseName.getParent()
          Returns the Topic object which contains this BaseName.
 Topic TopicMapFactory.copy(Topic src)
 Topic TopicMapFactory.copy(Topic src, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src.
 Topic Association.getType()
          Gets the Topic defining the type of the Association.
 Topic Topic.getBaseTopic()
          Gets the topic with which this topic is merged if any.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopic(java.lang.String id)
          Creates a new Topic in this TopicMap.
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicByID(java.lang.String id)
          Gets the topic with the specified unique identifier
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicBySubject(Locator subjectLocator)
          Get the topic which is bound to the specified subject
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicBySubjectIndicator(Locator subjectIndicatorLocator)
          Get the topic which is bound to the subject indicated by the specified resource.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap with parameters of type Topic
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.createBaseName(Topic parent, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString)
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.createBaseName(Topic parent, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString, Topic[] scope)
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent)
 Occurrence TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Occurrence src, Topic destParent)
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src, boolean deep)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep)
 Occurrence TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Occurrence src, Topic destParent, boolean deep)
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
          Copies the Topic src.
 Topic TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Topic src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 Occurrence TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(Occurrence src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource, TopicMap, Topic[])
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Imports a topic map in XTM or LTM syntax into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider.
 void TopicMapProviderBase.mergeTopicMap(TopicMap baseTopicMap, Locator externalTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void Variant.addParameter(Topic parameter)
          Adds a parameter to the variant.
 void Variant.setParameters(Topic[] parameters)
          Sets the parameters of this variant, overwriting any existing parameters.
 void Member.setRoleSpec(Topic roleSpec)
          Sets the topic which defines the type of this Member.
 void Member.addPlayer(Topic player)
          Adds a topic as a player, meaning one of the topics that define this member.
 void Member.removePlayer(Topic player)
          Removes the specified topic from the list of players of this Member object.
 void Member.setPlayers(Topic[] players)
          Sets the collection of Topics which are players of this Member.
 Topic[] MergedTopicSubjectClashException.getTopics(Topic[] ret)
          Retrieves the two topics involved in the failed merge operation.
 void Occurrence.setType(Topic type)
          Sets the Topic defining the type of this Occurrence.
 boolean Occurrence.isOfType(Topic type)
          Determines whether the type of the occurrence is described by type.
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 void TopicMapProvider.mergeTopicMap(TopicMap baseTopicMap, Locator externalTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Merges the topic map from the resource externalTopicMap into the topic map baseTopicMap.
 Topic TopicMapFactory.copy(Topic src)
 BaseName TopicMapFactory.copy(BaseName src, Topic destTopic)
 Occurrence TopicMapFactory.copy(Occurrence src, Topic destTopic)
 Topic TopicMapFactory.copy(Topic src, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src.
 BaseName TopicMapFactory.copy(BaseName src, Topic destTopic, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src as a new child of destTopic A deep copy of src returns a BaseName in which the name string is a duplicate of the name string of src and the child Variants are deep copied.
 Occurrence TopicMapFactory.copy(Occurrence src, Topic destTopic, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src as a new child of destTopic A deep copy of src returns an Occurrence in which the type topic is deep copied and the child resourceRef or resourceData is a duplicate of the value in the source object.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getAssociationsInScope(Topic scope, java.util.Collection associations)
          Returns a collection of the associations in a given scope.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getAssociationsInScope(Topic[] scope, java.util.Collection associations)
          Returns an unmodifiable collection of associations in a given scope.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getAssociationsOfType(Topic type, java.util.Collection associations)
          Returns an unmodifiable collection of associations which are of the specified type.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getObjectsOfType(Topic type, java.util.Collection objects)
          Returns only those objects in the specified collection which are of the specifed type.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getMembersOfType(Topic topic, Locator subjectOrIndicator)
          Returns the set of Members of the specified Topic for which the subject or subject indicator of the roleSpec matches the specified locator.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getPlayersOfRole(Association assoc, Topic roleSpec)
          Returns the set of topics which are players in Members of the specified association where the Member plays role defined by roleSpec.
 java.lang.String TopicMapUtils.getDisplayName(Topic topic, Topic[] inScope)
          Returns a string which may be used as a display name in the specified scope.
 java.lang.String TopicMapUtils.getSortName(Topic topic, Topic[] inScope)
          Returns a string which may be used as a sort name in the specified scope.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getAssociations(Topic topic)
          Returns a collection of all associations in which the specified topic plays a role.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getSuperClasses(Topic cls)
          Retrieves the superclasses of the class defined by the Topic cls.
 java.util.Collection TopicMapUtils.getSubClasses(Topic cls)
          Retrieves the subclasses of the class defined by the Topic cls.
 void ScopedObject.setScope(Topic[] scopingTopics)
          Sets the collection of topics which define the scope of validity for this object.
 void ScopedObject.addTheme(Topic theme)
          Adds a topic to the collection which define the scope of validity for this object.
 void ScopedObject.removeTheme(Topic theme)
          Removes a topic from the collection which defines the scope of validity for this object.
 boolean ScopedObject.inScope(Topic theme)
          Determines whether the specified theme is in the scope of this object.
 boolean ScopedObject.inScope(Topic[] themes)
          Determines whether one or more of the specified themes are in the scope of this object.
 Member Association.createMember(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLoc, Topic roleSpec, java.util.Collection players)
          Creates a new Member and adds it to this Association.
 void Association.setType(Topic type)
          Sets the Topic defining the type of this Association.
 boolean Association.isOfType(Topic type)
          Determines whether the type of the association is described by type.
 java.util.Collection Association.getMembersOfRole(Topic roleSpec)
          Returns the Member objects which play the specified role in this association.
 void Topic.setTypes(Topic[] types)
          Defines the type of this topic.
 void Topic.addType(Topic type)
          Adds a new topic into the set of those defining the type of this topic.
 boolean Topic.isOfType(Topic type)
          Determines whether the specified topic is one of the types of this topic.
 BaseName Topic.createName(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString, Topic[] scope)
          Creates a new BaseName as a child of this Topic
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLocator, Topic type, Locator ref, Topic[] themes)
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLocator, Topic type, java.lang.String data, Topic[] themes)
 void Topic.addMergedTopic(Topic t)
          Adds the specified topic to the set of merged topics.
 void TopicMap.addAddedTheme(Topic theme)
          Adds an added theme to the topic map.
 Association TopicMap.createAssociation(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLocator, Topic type, Topic[] themes)
          Creates a new Association in this topic map
 void TopicMap.addMergeMap(Locator mapLocator, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Adds a new mergeMap directive to this topic map.

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap with parameters of type Topic
MergedTopicSubjectClashException(Topic t1, Topic t2)
          Constructs a new merged topic subject clash exception.

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic with parameters of type Topic
 java.util.Collection AssociationTypesIndex.getAssociationsOfType(Topic type, boolean includeMergedTopics)
          Returns the associations typed by type and, if includeMergedTopics is true, the associations typed by any topics that are merged with type.
 java.util.Collection AssociationTypesIndex.getAssociationsOfType(Topic type)
          Returns the associations which are typed by type.
 java.util.Collection MemberTypesIndex.getMembersOfType(Topic type)
          Returns the members which are typed by type.
 java.util.Collection MemberTypesIndex.getMembersOfType(Topic type, boolean includeMergedTopics)
          Returns the members which are typed by the topic type.
 java.util.Collection OccurrenceTypesIndex.getOccurrencesOfType(Topic type)
          Returns the occurrences which are typed by type and any topics merged with type.
 java.util.Collection OccurrenceTypesIndex.getOccurrencesOfType(Topic type, boolean includeMergedTopics)
          Returns the occurrences which are typed by type.
 java.util.Collection ThemesIndex.getScopedObjects(Topic theme)
          Returns a Collection of all scoped objects in the topic map where theme or a topic merged with theme is one theme in the scope of the object.
 java.util.Collection ThemesIndex.getScopedObjects(Topic theme, boolean includeMergedTopics)
          Returns a Collection of all scoped objects in the topic map where theme is one theme in the scope of the object.
 java.util.Collection ThemesIndex.getScopedObjects(Topic[] themes, int scopeMatch)
          Returns a Collection of all scoped objects in the topic map where themes matches the themes in the scope of the object.
 java.util.Collection TopicTypesIndex.getTopicsOfType(Topic type)
          Returns the topics which are typed by type or by a topic merged with type.
 java.util.Collection TopicTypesIndex.getTopicsOfType(Topic type, boolean includeMergedTopics)
          Returns the topics which are typed by type.
 java.util.Collection TopicTypesIndex.getTopicsOfTypes(Topic[] types)
          Returns the topics which are typed by all of the topics in types.
 java.util.Collection TopicTypesIndex.getTopicsOfTypes(Topic[] types, boolean includeMergedTopics)
          Returns the topics which are typed by all of the topics in types.

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text with parameters of type Topic
protected  void LuceneIndexBase.addDocument(Topic topic)
static org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneDocumentFactory.createDocument(Topic topic)

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.source

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.source with parameters of type Topic
 void SerializedTopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void SerializedTopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void TopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void TopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified

Classes in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that implement Topic
 class UnifiedTopic

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that return Topic
 Topic UnifiedOccurrence.getParent()
 Topic UnifiedOccurrence.getType()
 Topic UnifiedMember.getRoleSpec()
 Topic UnifiedBaseName.getParent()
 Topic UnifiedAssociation.getType()
 Topic UnifiedTopic.getBaseTopic()
 Topic UnifiedTopicMap.getTopicByID(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the UnifiedTopic which wraps the topic object specified by the id string.
 Topic UnifiedTopicMap.getTopicBySubject(Locator subject)
 Topic UnifiedTopicMap.getTopicBySubjectIndicator(Locator subjectIndicator)
 Topic UnifiedTopicMap.createTopic(java.lang.String id)

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified with parameters of type Topic
 void UnifiedVariant.addParameter(Topic param)
 void UnifiedVariant.setParameters(Topic[] params)
 boolean UnifiedOccurrence.isOfType(Topic type)
 void UnifiedOccurrence.setParent(Topic parent)
 void UnifiedOccurrence.setType(Topic type)
 void UnifiedMember.addPlayer(Topic player)
 void UnifiedMember.setPlayers(Topic[] players)
 void UnifiedMember.removePlayer(Topic player)
 void UnifiedMember.setRoleSpec(Topic roleSpec)
 void UnifiedBaseName.setParent(Topic t)
 void UnifiedScopedObject.addTheme(Topic theme)
 boolean UnifiedScopedObject.inScope(Topic theme)
 boolean UnifiedScopedObject.inScope(Topic[] themes)
 void UnifiedScopedObject.removeTheme(Topic theme)
 void UnifiedScopedObject.setScope(Topic[] themes)
 java.util.Collection UnifiedAssociation.getMembersOfRole(Topic roleSpec)
 boolean UnifiedAssociation.isOfType(Topic type)
 Member UnifiedAssociation.createMember(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLoc, Topic roleSpec, java.util.Collection players)
 void UnifiedAssociation.setType(Topic t)
 void UnifiedTopic.addType(Topic t)
 void UnifiedTopic.setTypes(Topic[] types)
 boolean UnifiedTopic.isOfType(Topic t)
 BaseName UnifiedTopic.createName(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString, Topic[] scope)
 Occurrence UnifiedTopic.createOccurrence(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLocator, Topic type, Locator ref, Topic[] themes)
 Occurrence UnifiedTopic.createOccurrence(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLocator, Topic type, java.lang.String data, Topic[] themes)
 void UnifiedTopic.addMergedTopic(Topic t)
 java.util.Collection UnifiedTopicMap.getMergedTopics(Topic t)
 void UnifiedTopicMap.addAddedTheme(Topic theme)
 void UnifiedTopicMap.addMergeMap(Locator ref, Topic[] addThemes)
 void UnifiedTopicMap.removeTopic(Topic t)
 Association UnifiedTopicMap.createAssociation(java.lang.String id, Locator resourceLocator, Topic type, Topic[] themes)

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified with parameters of type Topic
UnifiedTopic(UnifiedTopicMap tm, Topic t)

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils

Fields in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils declared as Topic
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttPackage
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttClass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttAbstractClass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttExternalizableClass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttSerializableClass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttInterface
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttException
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttError
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttMethod
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttField
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttParameter
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_ttTag
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_otComment
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_otAbstract
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_otDeprecationInfo
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_otProcessed
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atSuperclassSubclass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtSuperclass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtSubclass
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atContains
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atHasMethod
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atHasField
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtContainer
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtContainee
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atImports
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtImporter
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtImportee
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atImplements
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtInterface
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtImplementation
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atThrows
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtThrower
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtThrown
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atReturns
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtReturnedType
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtMethod
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atOverrides
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtOverriden
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtOverride
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atHasParameters
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atOfType
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtType
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtTyped
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_atSeeAlso
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtSeeSource
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_rtSeeTarget
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_themeProtected
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_themePrivate
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_themePackagePrivate
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_paramShortName
protected  Topic TopicMapDoclet.m_paramSortName

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils that return Topic
 Topic TopicMapFragment.addTopic(Topic t, int depth)
 Topic TopicMapCopier.copy(Topic src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
static Topic XTMUtils.staticMerge(Topic t)
          Takes all topics merged with t and adds their characteristics to t.
protected static Topic XTMUtils.staticMerge(Topic t, boolean swapTopics)
          Internal implementation of the static merge algorithm.
 Topic XTMBuilder.getTopicBySourceLocator(Locator resourceLocator)
 Topic XTMBuilder.getTopicBySubject(Locator resource)
 Topic XTMBuilder.getTopicBySubjectIndicator(java.lang.String indicator)

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils with parameters of type Topic
 boolean WalkerHandlerAdapter.startTopic(Topic topic)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.endTopic(Topic topic)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.onType(Topic type)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.onTheme(Topic theme)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.onParameter(Topic param)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.onRoleSpec(Topic roleSpec)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.onPlayer(Topic player)
 boolean TypeInstanceAssociationFilter.startTopic(Topic t)
protected  boolean TypeInstanceAssociationFilter.isTypeInstanceTopic(Topic t)
 Topic TopicMapFragment.addTopic(Topic t, int depth)
 Topic TopicMapCopier.copy(Topic src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
protected  BaseName TopicMapCopier.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
protected  Occurrence TopicMapCopier.copy(Occurrence src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 boolean WalkerFilterAdapter.startTopic(Topic topic)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.endTopic(Topic topic)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.onType(Topic type)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.onTheme(Topic theme)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.onParameter(Topic param)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.onRoleSpec(Topic roleSpec)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.onPlayer(Topic player)
static java.lang.String AssociationUtils.getPlayerSignature(java.lang.String memberSig, Topic p)
static boolean TopicUtils.areEquivalent(Topic topic1, Topic topic2)
          Determines topic equivalency.
static Topic XTMUtils.staticMerge(Topic t)
          Takes all topics merged with t and adds their characteristics to t.
protected static Topic XTMUtils.staticMerge(Topic t, boolean swapTopics)
          Internal implementation of the static merge algorithm.
static void XTMUtils.swapTopic(Topic from, Topic to)
          Exchanges all uses of the topic from to use the topic to.
static void XTMUtils.removeDuplicateSubjectIndicators(Topic t)
static void XTMUtils.removeDuplicateNames(Topic t)
static void XTMUtils.removeDuplicateOccurrences(Topic t)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 boolean XTMWriter.startTopic(Topic t)
 void XTMWriter.endTopic(Topic t)
 void XTMWriter.onType(Topic type)
 void XTMWriter.onTheme(Topic theme)
protected  void XTMWriter.topicRef(Topic t)
 void XTMWriter.onParameter(Topic param)
 void XTMWriter.onRoleSpec(Topic rs)
 void XTMWriter.onPlayer(Topic p)
 boolean WalkerHandler.startTopic(Topic topic)
 void WalkerHandler.endTopic(Topic topic)
 void WalkerHandler.onType(Topic type)
 void WalkerHandler.onTheme(Topic theme)
 void WalkerHandler.onParameter(Topic param)
 void WalkerHandler.onRoleSpec(Topic roleSpec)
 void WalkerHandler.onPlayer(Topic player)
 void TopicMapWalker.walk(Topic t)
protected  void XTMBuilder.scopeClassInstanceAssociation(Topic classTopic, Topic instTopic)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void XTMBuilder.setAddedThemes(Topic[] addedThemes)
          Sets the collection of Topics to be added to the scope of every Association, Occurrence and BaseName built by this class.
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Build topic map constructs from the specified source stream.
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils with parameters of type Topic
InScopeWalkerFilter(Topic[] context, boolean matchAll)
          Create a new InScopeWalkerFilter instance that matches on the specified context.

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors that return Topic
 Topic ReifyingTopicExtractor.extractReifyingTopic(TopicMapObject tmo)
          Service Method with increased semantic, calls _extract
 Topic AssociationGroupsExtractor.AssociationGroup.getAssociationType()
 Topic AssociationGroupsExtractor.AssociationGroup.getDominantRoleType()

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors with parameters of type Topic
 TopicMapObject RefiedObjectExtractor.extractRefiedObject(Topic topic)
          Takes a Topic instance as input and returns the TopicMapObject which the Topic reifies or null if this Topic does not reify any object in the TM
 void VariantNameExtractor.addPreferredTheme(Topic theme)
          Adds a Topic to the list of preferred BaseName themes.
 void VariantNameExtractor.addPreferredParameter(Topic param)
          Adds a Topic to the list of preferred Variant parameters.
 void TopicNameExtractor.addPreferredVariant(Topic v)
          Adds a Topic to the list of variant parameters that are preferred for the returned name string.
 void TopicNameExtractor.removePreferredVariant(Topic v)
          Removes a Topic from the list of variant parameters that are preferred for the returned name string.
 void TopicNameExtractor.addPreferredTheme(Topic theme)
          Adds a Topic to the list of scope themes that are preferred for the returned name string.
 java.lang.String AssociationNameExtractor.getName(Association in, Topic dominantPlayer)
 java.util.Collection AssociationGroupsExtractor.AssociationGroup.getRolePlayers(Topic roleType)

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors with parameters of type Topic
AssociationGroupsExtractor.DefaultAssociationGroupComparator(Topic dominantRolePlayer)
AssociationGroupsExtractor.AssociationGroup(Topic assocType, Topic dominantRole)

Uses of Topic in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers with parameters of type Topic
 void TypeTester.addAllowedType(Topic t)
          Adds a topic to the list of allowed typing topics.
 void TypeTester.removeAllowedType(Topic t)
          Removes a topic from the list of allowed typing topics.
protected  boolean TypeTester.isAllowed(Topic t)
          Determines whether or not the specified topic is allowed through this test.

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers with parameters of type Topic
InScopeTester(Topic[] context)
          Create a new InScopeTester which will test scoped objects against a scope comrising themes.
InScopeTester(Topic[] context, boolean matchAll)
          Create a new InScopeTester which will test scoped objects against a context comprising of the specified themes.
TypeTester(Topic type)
          Convenience method to create a tester that tests for objects of a single type.