Package org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers

Testers are predicate functions that evaluate a function and return true or false.


Class Summary
ClassInstanceAssocTester A tester which tests Association objects to see if they are XTM class-instance associations which are created by TM4J when a new type is added to a Topic.
ExternalOccurrenceTester Tester which returns true if the supplied object implements the Occurrence interface and if the Occurrence object contains a locator to external occurrence data.
FailTester A predicate which always returns a failure (false).
InlineOccurrenceTester Predicate which returns true if the supplied object implements the Occurrence interface and if the Occurrence object has inline data.
InScopeTester Predicate function which returns true if the tested object is a scoped object and if the scope of the object matches the context specified in the tester's constructor.
TypeTester A Predicate which returns true if the object passed in is a topic map object which is typed by one or more topics and if one or more of the typing topics is found in the list of allowed types or if the subject or subject indicator of one or more of the typing topics is found in the list of allowed subject or subject indicators.

Package org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers Description

Testers are predicate functions that evaluate a function and return true or false.

The testers in this package all implement the interface Predicate. This interface defines a single method, Predicate.test(Object). The function evaluated and how the single parameter is used depends upon the particular class - see the class documentation for more details.

Predicates are particularly useful for encoding frequently used tests. This package provides Predicates for some of the most frequently used tests in topic map programming. In addition, the Mango API provides a number of utility functions for combining predicates using logical connectors such as AND, OR and NOT, as well as for using predicates to filter collections or to provide iterators that iterate only a subset of a collection.