Uses of Class

Packages that use UnsupportedIndexException
org.tm4j.topicmap.index Provides the core interface for a flexible indexing architecture. 

Uses of UnsupportedIndexException in org.tm4j.topicmap.index

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index that throw UnsupportedIndexException
 Index ConfigurableIndexProvider.getIndex(java.lang.String interfaceName)
          Returns the index named interfaceName.
abstract  Index ConfigurableIndexProvider.newIndex(java.lang.String interfaceName, TopicMap tm)
          SPI for the ConfigurableIndexProvider class.
 IndexMeta IndexProvider.getIndexMeta(java.lang.String interfaceName)
          Returns an IndexMeta object providing meta data about the index which implements interfaceName
 Index IndexProvider.getIndex(java.lang.String interfaceName)
          Returns the Index implementation which supports the Java interface specified by interfaceName.
 IndexMeta IndexManager.getIndexMeta(java.lang.String ixInterface)
          Returns meta data about the specified index.
 IndexMeta IndexManager.getIndexMeta(java.lang.Class ixClass)
          Returns meta data about the specified index.