Package org.tm4j.topicmap.index

Provides the core interface for a flexible indexing architecture.


Interface Summary
ConfigurableIndex The interface to be implemented by an index managed by a ConfigurableIndexProvider.
Index The basic interface which must be supported by all index implementations.
IndexManager An IndexManager controls access to all of the indexes for a particular topic map.
IndexMeta Provides basic meta data regarding the index to the IndexManager and to users of the Index interface.
IndexProvider This is the SPI for new index implementations which must be supported by all implementations of indexes.

Class Summary
ConfigurableIndexProvider An abstract implementation of an IndexProvider that provides access to one or more topic map indexes which require configuration information to be correctly initialised.
IndexMetaImpl Simple implementation of the IndexMeta interface.

Exception Summary
DuplicateIndexNameException Indicates that an attempt was made to put two Indexes with identical names in the context of one IndexManager.
IndexException Indicates that an unexpected condition has occurred while dealing with an Index, such as a failure to open or close the index.
IndexManagerException Indicates that an unexpected condition has occurred while dealing with an IndexManager, such as a failure to register an IndexProvider.
IndexProviderException Indicates that an unexpected condition has occurred while dealing with an IndexProvider, such as a failure to create an Index.
UnsupportedIndexException Indicates that an attempt was made to access an Index that is not supported by a particular IndexProvider.

Package org.tm4j.topicmap.index Description

Provides the core interface for a flexible indexing architecture.

Each topic map provides access to an IndexManager which is responsible for controlling access to a set of Index objects, each Index object must implement a different interface which must be derived from the Index interface.

The IndexProvider interface is required only if you are planning to add new indexes to TM4J. This interface defines an SPI for new index implementations. A single IndexProvider can support multiple Index objects.

Kal Ahmed