Uses of Interface

Packages that use TopicMap
org.tm4j.tmapi.core An implementation of the draft TMAPI interfaces. 
org.tm4j.tolog DEPRECATED 
org.tm4j.topicmap Provides the core interfaces of the TM4J Topic Map Engine. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.index Provides the core interface for a flexible indexing architecture. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text Provides interfaces for text indexing functionality and basic implementations using jakarta-lucene. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.source Provides an abstract representation sources of TopicMaps and an implementation for serialized TopicMaps 
org.tm4j.topicmap.unified Implements a TM4J back-end which merges topic maps from one or more other back-end implementations dynamically. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API. 

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.tmapi.core

Methods in org.tm4j.tmapi.core that return TopicMap
 TopicMap TMAPITopicMapImpl.getWrapped()

Constructors in org.tm4j.tmapi.core with parameters of type TopicMap
TMAPITopicMapObjectStub(TopicMap implMap, TMAPITopicMapImpl tm)
TMAPITopicMapImpl(TopicMap topicMap, TMAPITopicMapSystemImpl tmSystem)

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.tolog

Methods in org.tm4j.tolog with parameters of type TopicMap
 void InstanceOfExtension.initialise(TopicMap tm)
 void Extension.initialise(TopicMap tm)
          Deprecated. This method is called on the extension when the extension is instantiated by the QueryEvaluator and before any calls to the matches() or test() methods.
 void DirectInstanceOfExtension.initialise(TopicMap tm)

Constructors in org.tm4j.tolog with parameters of type TopicMap
QueryEvaluator(TopicMap tm)
          Deprecated. Creates a new QueryEvaluator to evaluate Tolog queries over the topic map tm

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.tologx

Methods in org.tm4j.tologx with parameters of type TopicMap
static QueryEvaluator QueryEvaluatorFactory.newQueryEvaluator(TopicMap tm)

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.topicmap

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap that return TopicMap
 TopicMap TopicMapManager.getTopicMap(Locator baseLoc)
          Gets the TopicMap generated from the resource specified by locator
 TopicMap TopicMapManager.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, java.lang.String providerId)
          Adds a TopicMap from the given source to the given Provider
 TopicMap TopicMapManager.copyTopicMap(TopicMap map, java.lang.String providerId)
          Creates a copy of the TopicMap inside the given provider
 TopicMap TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(TopicMap src)
 TopicMap TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(TopicMap src, boolean deep)
 TopicMap TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(TopicMap src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
          Creates a copy of the topic map src.
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator)
          A convenience method returning the added TopicMap.
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource)
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource, TopicMap)
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource, TopicMap, Topic[])
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Imports a topic map in XTM or LTM syntax into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider.
protected  TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.readTopicMap( tmStream)
          Reads a topic map from the given input stream.
protected  TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.readTopicMap( srcStream, java.lang.String systemId)
          Reads a topic map from the given input stream using the specified system ID.
protected  TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.readTopicMap(java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
          Reads a topic map provided with both a public and system identifier.
protected  TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.postProcess(TopicMap tm)
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.getTopicMap(Locator baseLocator)
          Returns the topic map provided by this object who's base address is specified by baseLocator.
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.createTopicMap(Locator baseLocator)
          Creates a new topic map for this provider.
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 TopicMap TopicMapFactory.copy(TopicMap src)
          Returns a deep copy of src
 TopicMap TopicMapFactory.copy(TopicMap src, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src.
 TopicMap Association.getParent()
          Returns the TopicMap object which contains this Association object.
 TopicMap Topic.getParent()
          Returns the TopicMap object which contains this Topic object.
 TopicMap TopicMapObject.getTopicMap()
          Returns a handle to the topic map which this object is part of.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap with parameters of type TopicMap
 void TopicMapManager.storeTopicMap( file, TopicMap map)
          Stores the TopicMap into the given File This method is a shortcut for using the TopicMapSerializer
 void TopicMapManager.mergeTopicMaps(TopicMap one, TopicMap second)
          Merges the two TopicMaps
 void TopicMapManager.dropTopicMap(TopicMap map)
          Removes the TopicMap from the Manager and the underlaying Provider
 TopicMap TopicMapManager.copyTopicMap(TopicMap map, java.lang.String providerId)
          Creates a copy of the TopicMap inside the given provider
 void TopicMapManager.moveTopicMap(TopicMap map, java.lang.String providerId)
          Moves the TopicMap into the given Provider
 TopicMap TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(TopicMap src)
 TopicMap TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(TopicMap src, boolean deep)
 TopicMap TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(TopicMap src, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
          Creates a copy of the topic map src.
 void TopicMapProviderBase.applyChangeListeners(TopicMap tm)
          Applies a new instance of the default vetoable change listeners specified in the initialisation properties to tm.
protected  void TopicMapProviderBase.applyDefaultVetoListeners(TopicMap tm)
protected  boolean TopicMapProviderBase.isProvidedTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
          Returns true if tm is provided by this TopicMapProvider
protected  void TopicMapProviderBase.initialiseBuilder(TopicMap existingTopicMap, Locator srcLocator)
          Sets up the XTMParser and XTMBuilder objects to be used in constructing a new TopicMap or in merging the contents of an XTM file into an existing TopicMap.
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource)
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource, TopicMap)
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 use TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource, TopicMap, Topic[])
 TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.addTopicMap( srcStream, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Imports a topic map in XTM or LTM syntax into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider.
 void TopicMapProviderBase.mergeTopicMap(TopicMap baseTopicMap, Locator externalTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
protected  TopicMap TopicMapProviderBase.postProcess(TopicMap tm)
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, TopicMapBuilder builder)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap( src, Locator baseLocator, TopicMap existingTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Deprecated. use addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes) instead
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 TopicMap TopicMapProvider.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
 void TopicMapProvider.removeTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
          Removes the specified topic map from this Provider.
 void TopicMapProvider.mergeTopicMap(TopicMap baseTopicMap, Locator externalTopicMap, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Merges the topic map from the resource externalTopicMap into the topic map baseTopicMap.
 TopicMap TopicMapFactory.copy(TopicMap src)
          Returns a deep copy of src
 TopicMap TopicMapFactory.copy(TopicMap src, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src.

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap with parameters of type TopicMap
TopicMapFactoryBase(LocatorFactory locFactory, TopicMap tm)

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.topicmap.index

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index with parameters of type TopicMap
 void ConfigurableIndexProvider.initialise(TopicMap tm)
          The initialisation hook called by the IndexManager that manages this provider.
abstract  Index ConfigurableIndexProvider.newIndex(java.lang.String interfaceName, TopicMap tm)
          SPI for the ConfigurableIndexProvider class.
 void IndexProvider.initialise(TopicMap tm)
          Called by the topic map which contains this IndexManager This method will be invoked before any calls to other methods of this interface are invoked.

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text

Fields in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text declared as TopicMap
protected  TopicMap LuceneIndexBase.topicMap

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text with parameters of type TopicMap
LuceneQueryResultImpl( hits, TopicMap map)
LuceneQueryHitImpl(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, TopicMap map, float score)
LuceneIndexBase(TopicMap topicMap)

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.topicmap.source

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.source that return TopicMap
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, Topic[] addedThemes)
protected  TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.postProcess(TopicMap tm)

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.source with parameters of type TopicMap
 void SerializedTopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map)
 void SerializedTopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void SerializedTopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, TopicMapProvider provider)
 void SerializedTopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing)
 TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.addTopicMap(TopicMapSource source, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
protected  TopicMap TopicMapSourceSupport.postProcess(TopicMap tm)
 void TopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map)
          a callback method called by the TopicMapProvider implementation to populate the topic map
 void TopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, TopicMapProvider provider)
          A callback method called by the TopicMapProvider implementation to populate the topic map.
 void TopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void TopicMapSource.populateTopicMap(TopicMap map, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified

Classes in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that implement TopicMap
 class UnifiedTopicMap
          Implements a unified topic navigation structure over multiple seperate TopicMap objects.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that return TopicMap
 TopicMap UnifiedAssociation.getParent()
 TopicMap UnifiedTopicMapObject.getTopicMap()
 TopicMap UnifiedTopic.getParent()
 TopicMap UnifiedTopicMap.getTopicMap(java.lang.String id)
 TopicMap UnifiedTopicMap.getTopicMap()

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified with parameters of type TopicMap
 void UnifiedTopicMap.addTopicMap(TopicMap tm)

Uses of TopicMap in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils

Fields in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils declared as TopicMap
protected  TopicMap TopicMapDoclet.m_topicMap

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils that return TopicMap
 TopicMap TopicMapFragment.getTopicMap()
 TopicMap TopicMapSerializer.getTopicMap()
          Retrieves the TopicMap to be serialized.
 TopicMap TopicMapMerger.getResult()
          Retrieves the TopicMap that results from the merge operation.
static TopicMap XTMUtils.makeConsistent(TopicMap tm)
          Creates a "consistent" topic map representation by applying the duplicate suppression rules of XTM 1.0 Annex F (section 6) This means that 1) All topics which are merged together are replaced by a single topic having the characteristics of all the merged ones (XTM 1.0 F.5.1) 2) Duplicate subject indicators on the same topic are collapsed into a single subject indicator (XTM 1.0 F.6.1) 3) Duplicate names in the same scope on the same topic are collapsed into a single name (XTM 1.0 F.6.2) 4) Duplicate role players in associations are removed (XTM 1.0 F.6.4) 5) Duplicate associations are collapsed into a single association (XTM 1.0 F.6.3) Note that F.6.4 is applied before F.6.3 as the XTM definition of a duplicate association uses a definition of equivalence which is affected by the aplication as F.6.4.
 TopicMap src)
 TopicMap XTMBuilder.getTopicMap()
          Return the TopicMap built by this XTMBuilder.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils with parameters of type TopicMap
 boolean WalkerHandlerAdapter.startTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.endTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 java.lang.String SimpleIDMappingStrategy.generateID(java.lang.String sourceID, TopicMap destinationTM)
 boolean WalkerFilterAdapter.startTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.endTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 java.lang.String IDMappingStrategy.generateID(java.lang.String sourceID, TopicMap destinationTM)
          This method is invoked to generate an ID for the destination object of a copy.
 void TopicMapSerializer.setTopicMap(TopicMap newTopicMap)
          Sets the TopicMap to be serialized.
protected  void TopicMapMerger.setResult(TopicMap newResult)
          Sets the result of the topic map merge.
 void LTMParser.setTopicMap(TopicMap topicmap)
static TopicMap XTMUtils.makeConsistent(TopicMap tm)
          Creates a "consistent" topic map representation by applying the duplicate suppression rules of XTM 1.0 Annex F (section 6) This means that 1) All topics which are merged together are replaced by a single topic having the characteristics of all the merged ones (XTM 1.0 F.5.1) 2) Duplicate subject indicators on the same topic are collapsed into a single subject indicator (XTM 1.0 F.6.1) 3) Duplicate names in the same scope on the same topic are collapsed into a single name (XTM 1.0 F.6.2) 4) Duplicate role players in associations are removed (XTM 1.0 F.6.4) 5) Duplicate associations are collapsed into a single association (XTM 1.0 F.6.3) Note that F.6.4 is applied before F.6.3 as the XTM definition of a duplicate association uses a definition of equivalence which is affected by the aplication as F.6.4.
protected static void XTMUtils.flattenTopicRefs(TopicMap tm)
          Performs a single pass through the topic map, replacing all topic references with a reference to the base topic of the merged topic set.
static void XTMUtils.removeDuplicateAssociations(TopicMap tm)
 void XTMTypeInstanceValidator.register(TopicMap tm)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap baseTM, TopicMapProvider provider)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap baseTM)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap baseTM, TopicMapProvider provider)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap baseTM)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void ConfigurableListener.register(TopicMap tm)
          Invoked to register the listener with the topic map.
 boolean XTMWriter.startTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 void XTMWriter.endTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
protected  java.lang.String XTMWriter.getID(TopicMap tm)
 boolean WalkerHandler.startTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 void WalkerHandler.endTopicMap(TopicMap tm)
 void TopicMapWalker.walk(TopicMap tm)
 void src, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider)
          Deprecated. Use build(TopicMapSource, TopicMap) instead
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider)
          Deprecated. Use build(TopicMapSource, TopicMap) instead
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider)
          Build topic map constructs from the specified source stream.
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider)
          Build topic map constructs from the specified Reader.
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm)
          Build topic map constructs from the specified source stream.
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, Topic[] addedThemes)
          Build topic map constructs from the specified source stream.
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void src, Locator srcLoc, TopicMap tm)
          Build topic map constructs from the specified Reader.
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, Topic[] addedThemes)
 void source, Locator base, TopicMap existing, TopicMapProvider provider, Topic[] addedThemes)

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils with parameters of type TopicMap
TopicMapFragment(TopicMap destTM, int maxRadius)
TopicMapCopier(TopicMap destTM)
SimpleIDMappingStrategy(TopicMap dest)
TopicMapSerializer(TopicMap topicMap)
          Constructs a new instance, initializing it with an existing TopicMap.
TopicMapSerializer(TopicMap topicMap, file)
          Constructs a new instance, initializing it with an existing TopicMap and an output File to serialize to.
TopicMapSerializer(TopicMap topicMap, stream)
          Constructs a new instance, initializing it with an existing TopicMap and an OutputStream to serialize to.
TopicMapSerializer(TopicMap topicMap, java.lang.String path)
          Constructs a new instance, initializing it with an existing TopicMap and the path to an output File to serialize to.
LTMBuilder(TopicMap baseTM)
XTMBuilder(TopicMap baseTM)
          Creates an XTMBuilder using the provided TopicMap, which is used to obtain the TopicMapFactory and LocatorFactory.
XTMBuilder(TopicMap baseTM, Locator mergeMapLocator)
          Creates an XTMBuilder using the provided TopicMap, which is used to obtain the TopicMapFactory and LocatorFactory.