Open a topicmap

Starting TMNav

When you are executing TMNav the first time (after downloading and installing it), you see a screen similar to this:

TMNav's main frame

No topicmap is loaded yet, therefore all the views are blank and empty.

Open your first topicmap

Navigate to TMNav's menubar, open the File menu and select the Open topic map-entry.

The following dialog appears:

Dialog to open a topicmap

Use the browse button to select a topicmap (you'll find some sample topicmaps in the doc-directory of the TMNav-distribution) and click OK.

Once the topicmap is loaded, an entry for it is displayed in the Topicmaps loaded - View, which is located in the upper left corner of the TMNav-Frame. The entry shows a little icon depicting a M, which stands for Map, and the filename of the topicmap loaded.

View with topicmaps loaded

proceed -> Using the index view