Topicmaps loaded

This view lists all topic maps that are either accessible or in the state of being loaded, merged or harvested or are corrupted (which essentially means that something unexpected happend during the retrieval).

TMNav with the opera topicmap loaded and one other topicmap that failed

The topicmaps baselocator is used as the "name" of the topicmap.


A topicmap that is displayed in this view is in one of three states. It is either

  • in the process of being loaded. This includes topicmaps that are parsed from textual sources, a topicmap that gets merged with a second or a topicmap that is currently harvested.
  • or accessible
  • or corrupted

A topicmap that is currently loaded is temporarily not accessible until the process has finished.

An icon indicates the state of the topicmap. Currently the following icons are used:

an accessible topicmap, parsed from a xtm file
an accessible topicmap, parsed from a ltm file
an accessible topicmap that is the result of a harvesting process
a topicmap that is in the state of being loaded, merged or harvested. While the retrieval of the topicmaps is performed, the topicmap is not accessible.
while loading, merging or harvesting this topicmap, an error occured. The topicmap is not accessible.

In addition to the icons, the state of every topicmap is also indicated by a prefix before the topicmaps baselocator. This prefix is either "Loading", "Merging" or "Corrupted". The absence of any prefix indicates the normal state of being accessible.

A topicmap which could not be opened for any reasons, switches to state corrupted. The topicmap remains being displayed until you choose Remove from the contextual popup menu of that topicmap


Select a topicmap. Click on an accessible topicmap to make it the active topicmap. The IndexView will refresh immediately in order to display the elements of the selected topicmap.

Open, Harvest, Merge. Right-click on the background of the Topicmaps loaded-View to open a popup-menue with three choices.

Follow the links below for a more detailed description of how to perform the following actions

Close and Reload. Right-clicking on an accessible topicmap opens the popup-menu with additional entries.

Closing a topicmap removes it from the tm4j-provider.

Reloading means in case of a topicmap that origins from an ltm or xtm file, that the topicmap is reparsed. If the topicmap comes from a harvesting process, the process is restarted.

Remove. A right-click on a corrupted topicmap opens the popup-menu with one additional entry, that allows you to remove the corrupted topicmap from the view.