Uses of Class

Packages that use ExtractorBase
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors Provides reusable and composable functions for retrieving information from a variety of topic map constructs. 

Uses of ExtractorBase in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors

Subclasses of ExtractorBase in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors
 class AssociationExtractor
          An unary function which takes a Member object as input and returns the parent Association object as output.
 class AssociationGroupsExtractor
          An extractor which returns a Map of AssociationGroup objects which represent all the associations of a specific type in which the topic plays a specific role.
 class AssociationNameExtractor
          This class implements both a BinaryFunction and a UnaryFunction that return a name string for an Association instance.
 class BaseNamesExtractor
          An extractor which takes a Topic instance as input and returns the Collection of BaseNames of that Topic as output.
 class BaseTopicExtractor
          Extractor that returns the base topic of the input object if and only if the input object implements the Topic interface.
 class MembersExtractor
          An extractor which takes an Association instance as input and returns the Collection of Members in that Association as output.
 class PlayersExtractor
          An extractor which takes a Member instance as input and returns a Collection of the Topics which are role players in that Member instance as Output.
 class RefiedObjectExtractor
          An extractor which takes a Topic instance as input and returns the TopicMapObject which the Topic reifies or null if this Topic does not reify any object in the TM
 class ReifyingTopicExtractor
          An extractor which takes a TopicMapObject instance as input and returns the Topic which reifies it or null
 class TopicNameExtractor
          An extractor function which takes a Topic as input and returns a String as output.
 class TypeExtractor
          An extractor which returns the topic(s) which type the object specified on the input.
 class VariantNameExtractor
          An extractor function which takes a Topic as input and returns a Variant instance as output The Variant returned will be selected from all Variants of the BaseNames of the Topic as follows: First the BaseName which has the most preferred themes in its scope, and at least one Variant is selected.
 class VariantsExtractor
          An extractor which takes a VariantContainer instance as input and returns a the Variant instances that it contains.