Uses of Interface

Packages that use TopicMapObject
org.tm4j.tmapi.core An implementation of the draft TMAPI interfaces. 
org.tm4j.topicmap Provides the core interfaces of the TM4J Topic Map Engine. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text Provides interfaces for text indexing functionality and basic implementations using jakarta-lucene. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.unified Implements a TM4J back-end which merges topic maps from one or more other back-end implementations dynamically. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors Provides reusable and composable functions for retrieving information from a variety of topic map constructs. 

Uses of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.tmapi.core

Constructors in org.tm4j.tmapi.core with parameters of type TopicMapObject
TMAPITopicMapObjectImpl(TopicMapObject obj, TMAPITopicMapImpl tm)

Uses of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.topicmap

Subinterfaces of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.topicmap
 interface Association
          This interface describes an association between one or more topics, subject indicators, or resources.
 interface BaseName
          This interface describes a base name associated with a topic.
 interface Member
          Represents a member of an association.
 interface NamedObject
          Deprecated. Since, as of XTM 1.0, Topics are the only objects with base names, this interface is no longer necessary.
 interface Occurrence
          This interface defines a single occurrence construct in a Topic Map.
 interface ScopedObject
          This interface describes a Topic Map construct which is scoped, and whose validity is thereby constrained to the set of topics that comprise the scope.
 interface Topic
          This interface describes a topic in a Topic Map.
 interface TopicMap
          This interface defines the whole Topic Map construct.
 interface Variant
          This interface is used to define an alternate naming scheme for a topic.
 interface VariantName
          Interface representing an alternate name for a topic.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap that return TopicMapObject
 TopicMapObject TopicMap.getObjectByID(java.lang.String id)
          Gets the object with the specified unique identifier.
 TopicMapObject TopicMap.getObjectByResourceLocator(Locator resourceLocator)
          Deprecated. from 0.9.0 this method is renamed TopicMap.getObjectBySourceLocator(Locator)
 TopicMapObject TopicMap.getObjectBySourceLocator(Locator resourceLocator)
          Gets the TopicMapObject which was generated from the specified resource.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap with parameters of type TopicMapObject
protected  java.lang.String TopicMapFactoryBase.copyID(TopicMapObject src, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix)

Uses of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text that return TopicMapObject
 TopicMapObject LuceneQueryHitImpl.getObject()
 TopicMapObject QueryHit.getObject()
          Returns the TopicMapObject which is associated with this Hit The String value that caused the hit is probably stored in one of the properties of the object.

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text with parameters of type TopicMapObject
protected  org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneIndexBase.createDocument(TopicMapObject object)
static org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneDocumentFactory.createDocument(TopicMapObject object)

Uses of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified

Classes in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that implement TopicMapObject
 class UnifiedAssociation
          Wrapper class around an object implementing the Association interface.
 class UnifiedBaseName
 class UnifiedMember
 class UnifiedOccurrence
 class UnifiedScopedObject
 class UnifiedTopic
 class UnifiedTopicMap
          Implements a unified topic navigation structure over multiple seperate TopicMap objects.
 class UnifiedTopicMapObject
 class UnifiedVariant

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that return TopicMapObject
protected  TopicMapObject UnifiedTopicMapObject.getBaseObject()
 TopicMapObject UnifiedTopicMap.getObjectByID(java.lang.String id)
 TopicMapObject UnifiedTopicMap.getObjectByResourceLocator(Locator loc)
 TopicMapObject UnifiedTopicMap.getObjectBySourceLocator(Locator loc)

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified with parameters of type TopicMapObject
 java.lang.String IDUtils.getQualifiedID(TopicMapObject tmo)

Uses of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils with parameters of type TopicMapObject
protected  java.lang.String TopicMapCopier.copyID(TopicMapObject src, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix)
protected  java.lang.String XTMWriter.getResourceID(TopicMapObject tmo, Locator srcLoc)
          Returns the fragment part of tmo's resourceLocator property if, and only if the document part of the resourceLocator matches the doucment part of the containing TopicMap object's resourceLocator property.
protected  java.lang.String XTMWriter.getID(TopicMapObject tmo)
          Returns the id attribute value to be exported for the specified TopicMapObject.
protected  void XTMBuilder.setResourceID(TopicMapObject tmo, java.lang.String id)

Uses of TopicMapObject in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors that return TopicMapObject
 TopicMapObject RefiedObjectExtractor.extractRefiedObject(Topic topic)
          Takes a Topic instance as input and returns the TopicMapObject which the Topic reifies or null if this Topic does not reify any object in the TM

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors with parameters of type TopicMapObject
 Topic ReifyingTopicExtractor.extractReifyingTopic(TopicMapObject tmo)
          Service Method with increased semantic, calls _extract