Uses of Interface

Packages that use BaseName
org.tm4j.tmapi.core An implementation of the draft TMAPI interfaces. 
org.tm4j.topicmap Provides the core interfaces of the TM4J Topic Map Engine. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text Provides interfaces for text indexing functionality and basic implementations using jakarta-lucene. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.unified Implements a TM4J back-end which merges topic maps from one or more other back-end implementations dynamically. 
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API. 

Uses of BaseName in org.tm4j.tmapi.core

Methods in org.tm4j.tmapi.core that return BaseName
 BaseName TMAPIBaseNameImpl.getWrapped()

Constructors in org.tm4j.tmapi.core with parameters of type BaseName
TMAPIBaseNameImpl(BaseName obj, TMAPITopicMapImpl tm)

Uses of BaseName in org.tm4j.topicmap

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap that return BaseName
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.createBaseName(Topic parent, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString)
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.createBaseName(Topic parent, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString, Topic[] scope)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 BaseName TopicMapFactory.copy(BaseName src, Topic destTopic)
 BaseName TopicMapFactory.copy(BaseName src, Topic destTopic, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src as a new child of destTopic A deep copy of src returns a BaseName in which the name string is a duplicate of the name string of src and the child Variants are deep copied.
 BaseName Topic.createName(java.lang.String id)
          Creates a new BaseName as a child of this Topic.
 BaseName Topic.createName(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString)
          Creates a new BaseName as a child of this Topic
 BaseName Topic.createName(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString, Topic[] scope)
          Creates a new BaseName as a child of this Topic

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap with parameters of type BaseName
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep)
 BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix)
protected  BaseName TopicMapFactoryBase.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 BaseName TopicMapFactory.copy(BaseName src, Topic destTopic)
 BaseName TopicMapFactory.copy(BaseName src, Topic destTopic, boolean deep)
          Creates a copy of src as a new child of destTopic A deep copy of src returns a BaseName in which the name string is a duplicate of the name string of src and the child Variants are deep copied.
 void Topic.setNames(BaseName[] names)
          Sets the names of this Topic.
 void Topic.addName(BaseName name)
          Adds another name to the set of names of this Topic.

Uses of BaseName in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.index.text with parameters of type BaseName
protected  void LuceneIndexBase.addDocument(BaseName baseName)
static org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneDocumentFactory.createDocument(BaseName baseName)

Uses of BaseName in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified

Classes in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that implement BaseName
 class UnifiedBaseName

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified that return BaseName
 BaseName UnifiedTopic.createName(java.lang.String id)
 BaseName UnifiedTopic.createName(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString)
 BaseName UnifiedTopic.createName(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String nameString, Topic[] scope)

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified with parameters of type BaseName
 void UnifiedTopic.addName(BaseName bn)
 void UnifiedTopic.setNames(BaseName[] names)

Constructors in org.tm4j.topicmap.unified with parameters of type BaseName
UnifiedBaseName(UnifiedTopicMap tm, BaseName base)

Uses of BaseName in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils that return BaseName
protected  BaseName TopicMapCopier.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)

Methods in org.tm4j.topicmap.utils with parameters of type BaseName
 boolean WalkerHandlerAdapter.startBaseName(BaseName name)
 void WalkerHandlerAdapter.endBaseName(BaseName name)
protected  BaseName TopicMapCopier.copy(BaseName src, Topic destParent, boolean deep, java.lang.String idPrefix, java.lang.String idSuffix, java.util.HashMap copied)
 boolean WalkerFilterAdapter.startBaseName(BaseName name)
 void WalkerFilterAdapter.endBaseName(BaseName name)
 boolean ScopeWalkerFilter.startBaseName(BaseName name)
static java.lang.String BaseNameUtils.getSignature(BaseName bn)
          Returns the "signature" string of the base name.
 boolean XTMWriter.startBaseName(BaseName bn)
 void XTMWriter.endBaseName(BaseName bn)
 boolean WalkerHandler.startBaseName(BaseName name)
 void WalkerHandler.endBaseName(BaseName name)
 void TopicMapWalker.walk(BaseName bn)