org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.ModelProvider .getModel(org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.AMMember member,java.lang.String abstractorClassname,org.tm4j.panckoucke.abstraction.AbstractionContext options)


Returns an AModel for the TopicMapObject which is represented by the AMMember member. The way this TopicMapObject is determined, is completely under the control of this particular ModelProvider. In short, it seems likely that a given implementation of a ModelProvider will 'know' implementations of the abstractModel and will be able to collaborate with them. On the other hand, there will be implementations of the AbstractModel which are unknown to a distinct ModelProvider and therefor the ModelProvider will be unable to determine the represented TopicMapObject. if this happens, the implementation should throw an UnsupportedMemberException. It is open to discussion if eventually a panckoucke-AccessControl-Module may be implemented in the Default-Model-Provider. In this case, the Signatures of this interface should be extended to include a throw-clause for a PrivilegeException

java.lang.String abstractorClassname name of the AbstractorClass to be used.
The given class must implement the InstantiableAbstractor-Interface.
If the classname is null the ModelProvider selects an Abstractor on its own.
org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.AMMember member the AMMember, the model is build for
org.tm4j.panckoucke.abstraction.AbstractionContext options options which are passed to the abstractor in charge. may be null.


AModel or null, if the specified abstractor was unable to build a model in the specified context.

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