org.tm4j.panckoucke.model .AMMember


The base class for all elements of an panckoucke abstract model * * @author Christoph Froehlich, c_froehlich at

Inheritance Hierarchy

Implementations of this interface

Method Summary
java.lang.String getData()
If this AMMember represents any Object with attached inline data the data is * returned by this method.
AMLocator getDataLocator()
If this AMMember represents any Object with attached data and this data could * be expressed in form of a Locator, the Locator is returned by this method.
AMGestalt getGestalt()
The Gestalt-Property, is used to provide a AMMember * with some Appearance-related information.
java.lang.String getID()
an id which is unique in the context of the current model.
java.lang.String getLabel()
returns a String for display purposes.
java.lang.Object getRepresentedObject()
Convienience method to return the first one of the set of represented objects.
java.util.Set getRepresentedObjects()
This Method returns Objects which are reprresented by that member.

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Is Imported By
Is Type For