Parameter abstractorClassname of org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.ModelProvider.getModel

Parameter abstractorClassname of org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.ModelProvider.getModel


name of the AbstractorClass to be used.
The given class must implement the InstantiableAbstractor-Interface.
If the classname is null the ModelProvider selects an Abstractor on its own.

Meta Data (2)
Comment : name of the AbstractorClass to be used.
The given class must implement the InstantiableAbstractor-Interface.
If the classname is null the ModelProvider selects an Abstractor on its own.
Text : name of the AbstractorClass to be used.
The given class must implement the InstantiableAbstractor-Interface.
If the classname is null the ModelProvider selects an Abstractor on its own.