... obtain a model

The ModelProvider

You get a model through an implementation of the org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.ModelProvider-interface. At the time of writing, this Interface defines two getModel() -methods, which differ in how you specify the abstractor to use:

  •   public AModel getModel(AMMember member, String abstractorClassname, AbstractionContext options)
        throws UnsupportedAMMemberClassException, AbstractorInstantiationException;
  •   public AModel getModel(AMMember member, Abstractor abstractor, AbstractionContext options)
        throws UnsupportedAMMemberClassException, AbstractorInstantiationException;

You pass the method an instance of AMMember that you did receive from a call to a StoreManager-Method or from a model. Be careful not to pass an instance of an arbitrary AMMember-Implementation, since this may lead to an UnsupportedAMMemberClassException.

If you choose to supply the abstractor to use by its classname, you pass it as the abstractorClassName-parameter. The name must be full qualified and must refer to a class that implements the InstantiableAbstractor-Interface and supports the additional contract which is described informally in the java-doc of that interface (no-arguments-constructor...).

Alternatively you may pass an existing abstractor instance to the getModel()-method. A proper initialized instance can be received via the PanckouckeContext.

The value of the options-param is passed through to the abstractor. It is always safe to pass an empty AbstractionContext-Instance. Please refer to the descriptons of the available abstractors for a discussion how the properties of the abstraction context influences the model generation.



Please refer to the accessing panckoucke-document for a description how to get the modelProvider.
      //Assuming you have an AMMember and the connection to the model-provider.
      String abstractorClassname = "org.tm4j.panckoucke.impl.abstraction.compact.CompactAbstractor";
      AModel model = modelProvider.getModel(member, abstractorClassname,null);
    catch(UnsupportedOperationException ex){
    	// Abstractor was not able to serve this request
    	// ok
    catch(AbstractorInstantiationException ex){
    	// Modelprovider could not initialize Abstractor
    catch(UnsupportedAMMemberClassException ex){
    	// Modelprovider does not know this AMMemberImplementation

About the exceptions


The Abstractor was not able to satisfy the request. Since it is not possible to reach the Abstractors method supportsAbstraction(..) via the Panckoucke-API, this Exception is the only way to check, if an Abstractor is able to serve your request


The ModelProvider failed to create a new Instance of the given class. The Instantiation may fail due to a variety of reasons. See a nested Exception for more detailed information about the cause of the failure.


The AMMember passed in is an instance of a concrete implementation, which does not fit with the needs of this Modelprovider-Implementation. This is the case, when the object the AMMember represents, is not of the expected type. For example, the ModelproviderImpl, which is contained in the Panckoukce-Pkg, expects a TopicMapObject as the represented Object of an AMMember. On the other hand, a ModelProvider which lives on a client and is connected via Kamal to tm4j would expect that its AMMember represents some sort of serialized id.