Parameter n of org.tm4j.panckoucke.impl.abstraction.extended.ExtendedAbstractionUtil.retrieveTypeNode

Parameter n of org.tm4j.panckoucke.impl.abstraction.extended.ExtendedAbstractionUtil.retrieveTypeNode


The node for which the "type" should be retrieved. Please keep in mind that a node of gestalt "Topic" may have more than one types. This method will only return the first one. If you are unsure, if a given topic has more than on types, use an AMNodeIterator instead

Meta Data (2)
Comment : The node for which the "type" should be retrieved. Please keep in mind that a node of gestalt "Topic" may have more than one types. This method will only return the first one. If you are unsure, if a given topic has more than on types, use an AMNodeIterator instead
Text : The node for which the "type" should be retrieved. Please keep in mind that a node of gestalt "Topic" may have more than one types. This method will only return the first one. If you are unsure, if a given topic has more than on types, use an AMNodeIterator instead