Parameter ret of org.tm4j.topicmap.MergedTopicSubjectClashException.getTopics

Parameter ret of org.tm4j.topicmap.MergedTopicSubjectClashException.getTopics


A placeholder array of topics to be filled with the two topics involved in the failed merge operation. Note that if this is null or an array holding less than two {@link Topic}s, a new array will be created in its place.

Meta Data (3)
Text : A placeholder array of topics to be filled with the two topics involved in the failed merge operation. Note that if this is null or an array holding less than two
Comment : A placeholder array of topics to be filled with the two topics involved in the failed merge operation. Note that if this is null or an array holding less than two {@link Topic}s, a new array will be created in its place.
Text : s, a new array will be created in its place.