Topic Map Compressor Tool


The compressor tool can be used to convert one or more input topic maps into a single merged topic map which is consistent according to the rules of XTM 1.0. In a consistent topic map:

The tool also applies the XTM rules about processing mergeMap directives and about following references to topics contained in other topic maps. In the first case, the referenced topic map is parsed with any specified scope being applied to the topic characteristics contained therein. In the second case, the complete topic map resource which contains the referenced topic is parsed and merged with the input topic map(s).


java org.tm4j.topicmap.cmd.Compress {options} input_file [-b input_base_uri] [input_file [-b input_base_uri]]

or, if using the scripts provided in the bin directory:

compress {options} input_file [-b input_base_uri] [input_file [-b input_base_uri]]...


-o | --output {output_file_name}
Specifies the name of the file to write the compressed topic map to. If this option is not provided, then the compressed topic map will be written to the standard output.

Last modified $Date: 2003/03/20 21:25:38 $