org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.testers .TypeTester


A Predicate which returns true if the object passed in is a topic map object which is typed by one or more topics and if one or more of the typing topics is found in the list of allowed types or if the subject or subject indicator of one or more of the typing topics is found in the list of allowed subject or subject indicators.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Method Summary
void addAllowedType( subjectOrIndicator)
Adds a Locator to the list of allowed subject or subjectIndicators.
void addAllowedType(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic t)
Adds a topic to the list of allowed typing topics.
void isAllowed(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic t)
Determines whether or not the specified topic is allowed through this test.
void removeAllowedType( subjectOrIndicator)
Removes a Locator from the list of allowed subject or subjectIndicators.
void removeAllowedType(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic t)
Removes a topic from the list of allowed typing topics.
void test(java.lang.Object o)
Performs the test.