org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.extractors .VariantNameExtractor


An extractor function which takes a Topic as input and returns a Variant instance as output The Variant returned will be selected from all Variants of the BaseNames of the Topic as follows:

  1. First the BaseName which has the most preferred themes in its scope, and at least one Variant is selected. If there is a tie, then an arbitrary selection is made.
  2. The Variant that has the most preferred parameters is selected. In the case of a tie, an arbitrary selection is made.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Method Summary
java.lang.Object _extract(java.lang.Object in)
void addPreferredParameter(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic param)
Adds a Topic to the list of preferred Variant parameters.
void addPreferredTheme(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic theme)
Adds a Topic to the list of preferred BaseName themes.
java.lang.Object fn(java.lang.Object in,java.lang.Object arg)