org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.ThemesIndex .getScopedObjects(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic[] themes,int scopeMatch)


Returns a Collection of all scoped objects in the topic map where themes matches the themes in the scope of the object.

int scopeMatch specifes he type of matching done is controlled by the scopeMatch parameter. The allowed values are specified as constants on this interface:
Returns a match if all of the topics in themes are also in the scope of the scoped object.
Returns a match if any of the topics in themes are in the scope of the scoped object.
Returns a match only if the topics in themes are exactly those in the scope of the scoped object.
org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic themes the themes to be matched by the query


A Collection of ScopedObjects which match the themes according to the specified match criteria.

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