org.tm4j.topicmap.index .IndexManager


An IndexManager controls access to all of the indexes for a particular topic map. Depending upon the implementation, this manager may be responsible for initialising indexes when it is created (or initialisation may be deferred until a specific index is requested). As well as managing the Index objects, this class also manages real-time meta data about the indexes - this meta data includes whether or not the index is already initialised, whether or not an explicit runtime initialisation is required and whether or not the index automatically updates itself as the topic map contents change. It also defines short cut access methods to all regular (part of tm4j and available for all backends) indices

Method Summary
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.AssociationTypesIndex getAssociationTypesIndex()
Shortcut access method for the AssociationTypesIndex
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.BaseNameDataIndex getBaseNameDataIndex()
Shortcut access method for BaseNameDataIndex
Index getIndex(java.lang.Class ixClass)
Returns the index which implements the specified interface.
Index getIndex(java.lang.String ixInterface)
Returns the index which implements the specified interface
IndexMeta getIndexMeta(java.lang.Class ixClass)
Returns meta data about the specified index.
IndexMeta getIndexMeta(java.lang.String ixInterface)
Returns meta data about the specified index.
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.MemberTypesIndex getMemberTypesIndex()
Shortcut access method for the MemberTypesIndex
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.OccurrenceDataIndex getOccurrenceDataIndex()
Shortcut access method for OccurrenceDataIndex
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.OccurrenceLocatorIndex getOccurrenceLocatorIndex()
Shortcut access method for the OccurrenceLocatorIndex
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.OccurrenceTypesIndex getOccurrenceTypesIndex()
Shortcut access method for the OccurrenceTypesIndex
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.ThemesIndex getThemesIndex()
Shortcut access method for the ThemesIndex
org.tm4j.topicmap.index.basic.TopicTypesIndex getTopicTypesIndex()
Shortcut access method for the TopicTypesIndex
void isRegistered(java.lang.Class ixClass)
Determines whether or not an Index implementing the specified interface is registered with this IndexManager.
void isRegistered(java.lang.String ixInterface)
Determines whether or not an implementation of the specified Index interface is registered with this IndexManager.
void registerIndexProvider(org.tm4j.topicmap.index.IndexProvider index)
Plugin interface for index service providers.