org.tm4j.tmnav.env.desc .RendererDesc


Holds metainformation about a Renderer.

A RendererDesc may be created for every class that implements the Renderer-Interface.

However, some of the methods of this class operate on subinterfaces of the Renderer - interface. For example, the createTMNavRenderer expects that the given class implements the TMNavRenderer-Interface. If you call createTMNavRenderer on an instance which does not describe a implementation of TMNavRenderer a ClassCastException will be thrown.

For each renderer, it may be defined which abstractors are suitable and which are unsuitable to be used with this renderer. In this context, suitable is meant as, that the renderer is capable to display the model, that is generated by a certain abstracor.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Method Summary
void addSuitableAbstractor(java.lang.String id)
Adds the id of an AbstractorDesc to the set of AbstractorDesc-ids that are suitable to be used with this Renderer
void addUnsuitableAbstractor(java.lang.String id)
Adds the id of an AbstractorDesc to the set of AbstractorDesc-ids that are not suitable to be used with this Renderer createTMNavRenderer( rv)
Creates a new Instance of the Renderer described by this instance.

Casts the new Instance to TMNavRenderer.
void filterAbstractors(java.util.List abstractordescs)
Filters the given list of abstractor descriptions.

Removes all abstractor descriptions, that are not suitable for renderers that are described by this RendererDesc.
java.lang.String getChooseable()
java.lang.String getClassname()
AbstractorDesc getDefaultAbstractor(java.util.List available)
Returns an abstractorDesc that is both available and suitable.

If this instance specifies a default abstractor and if this default abstractor is available, it is returned.
Otherwise the list of available abstractors get filtered by #filterAbstractors(List).
If at least one AbstractorDesc remains, that description is returned.
java.lang.String getDefaultAbstractorId()
java.lang.String getDescription()
java.lang.String getId()
java.lang.String getInfo()
java.lang.String getName()
java.util.Set getSuitableAbstractors()
Returns the suitable abstractors.
java.util.Set getUnsuitableAbstractors()
Returns the unsuitable abstractors.
void isAbstractorSuitable(org.tm4j.tmnav.env.desc.AbstractorDesc ad)
checks, whether the given AbstractorDesc describes an Abstractor that is suitable in terms of this renderer description.

void isUserChooseable()
void setChooseable(java.lang.String chooseable)
void setClassname(java.lang.String classname)
void setDefaultAbstractorId(java.lang.String id)
Sets the id of the default abstractorDesc.

The default abstractor is used, when an abstractor must be set programatically.
CAUTION: This implementation does not synchronize the default abstractor with the list of unsuitable abstractors.
void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
void setId(java.lang.String id)
void setName(java.lang.String name)
java.lang.String toString()