org.tm4j.tmnav.env .SetableProperty


A Java bean that describes a setable property, optionally along with a set of predefined values .
The bean combines

  • a property
  • a value for that property
  • an optional defaultvalue for that property
  • optional options for the value of that property. If at least one option is set, than the setable values for the property are constrained to one of the values that are defined by the options.
  • a name, suitable to be displayed in a gui
  • and a textual description, suitable to be displayed as a tooltip.

The PropertyDesc either describes a property with a set of predefined options or a property that can be set to an arbitrary String.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Method Summary
void addOption(org.tm4j.tmnav.env.Option option)
adds an option to the list of OptionDescs
void addOption(org.tm4j.tmnav.env.Option option,boolean makeDefault)
adds an option to the list of OptionDescs Makes the the given option the default option of this property if makeDefault is true
java.lang.String getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value of this property as a String.
java.lang.String getDescription()
java.lang.String getKey()
java.lang.String getName()
java.util.List getOptions()
void setDefaultOptionId(java.lang.String optionid)
sets the option with the given id as the default option.
void setDefaultValue(java.lang.String string)
sets the default value for a property that may be set to an arbitrary String.
void setDescription(java.lang.String string)
void setKey(java.lang.String key)
void setName(java.lang.String string)