org.tm4j.panckoucke.util.AbstractionNodeUtils .countOfArcsWithGestalt(org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.AMNode n,org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.AMGestalt gestalt,boolean incoming)


Returns the number of arcs that are connected to the given node and are of the given Gestalt. The incoming-flag determines, if outgoing or incoming arcs are counted.

org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.AMGestalt gestalt the gestalt of the arc. may be null to indicate arcs without a specified gestalt
boolean incoming flag, whether to look for incoming or for outgoing arcs
org.tm4j.panckoucke.model.AMNode n the node to which an arc must be connected, in order to be part of the resulting iterator


the count of arcs that match the given cirteria

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