.loadTopicmap(java.lang.String src, providerReference,java.lang.String topicmapBuilderClass)


Passes a request to load a Topicmap to PanckouckeStore, using the specified TopicMapBuilder Dependant on the implementation this method may return immediately, returning a TopicMapReference which is in the state of PENDING or OPENING.
The TopicMap will then be loaded assynchrounisly.
The TopicMap will be loaded into the Provider which is specified by the passed ProviderReference

Parameters providerReference reference which encapsulates the TopicMapProvider which shall be used to load the map.
java.lang.String src specifies where to get the TopicMap from. src is firstly interpreted as an URL and if that fails as a path in the local filesystem If both attempts did not succeed, the state of the TopicMapReference changes to CORRUPTED.
java.lang.String topicmapBuilderClass the name of the Class of an implementation of the TopicMapBuilderInterface. If null, a Default-Implementation should be used.



a TopicMapReference which references the specified map. The reference may be in any state upon returning.

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