Package: org.tm4j.panckoucke.impl.context.reader

Class Summary
AbstractorRuleSet A Digester Rule Set for creating and Configurationg Abstractors
CheckVersionRule This rules compares the panckoucke version with the panckoucke version specified in the xml file
ContextRuleSet A Digester Rule Set for creating and configuring the elements of the context not handled in other RuleSets of this package
CreateProviderRule A Digester rule for creating and configuration a TopicMapProvider
GestaltenRuleSet A Digester Rule Set for creating and configuring the AMGestaltRegistry
LoadMapRule New Rule for Loading Maps via the context This rule tries to load a specified map an InMemoryProvider taken from the Context If no InMemoryProvider is found in the context, an exception is thrown
NonRemovingOCRule This is a version of the ObjectCreateRule which does not remove the created object from the stack
PanckouckeContextReader Reads the configuration of a panckoucke based application from an XML file using jakarta digester.
RendererRuleSet A Digester Rule Collection for configuration of renderers
RepresentationsRuleSet A Digester Rule Set for creating and configuring the RepresentationRegistry
SetMemberRule This rule supports setting of Params, it accepts either value or type as attributes to the associated tag.
StoreManagerRuleSet Rule Set for creating a StoreManager and related objects

Meta Data (1)
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